On  18 Mar, this message from Rogério Brito echoed through cyberspace:
>       I would like to know if anybody here has any recipe for making
>       bootable (ISO9660) CDs for newworlds. My intention is to make
>       me a rescue CD (something akin to those loads of mini-Linux
>       distributions, with my choice of tools etc).
>       I already read the /usr/share/doc/mkisofs/README.hfs_boot
>       document, but as it states, it is outdated. Also as the name
>       implies, does it work only for HFS CDs? As I stated earlier,
>       my intention is to make ISO9660 CDs, with tools available
>       under Debian.

No idea whether an ISO9660 can be bootable on Newworlds.....

>       BTW, AFAIK, generating bootable CDs for oldworlds also is not
>       possible with tools in Debian, right? I'd like to, if
>       possible. What if I am not restricted to tools available with
>       Debian?

There are two approaches: do-it-yourself, or copy from somewhere else
;-). I made myself a bootable Oldworld rescue CD with my complete MacOS
stuff on it. I started from my 7600's MacOS Rescue CD, which contains a
partition table, drivers, and a single (200 MB) HFS partition. I copied
that into a larger CD image, hexedited the partition table to reflect
the larger size of the HFS partition, loopback-mounted it with offset
(partition table and drivers), and made a HFS filesystem on it. Copied
my stuff to it, and burned it: bingo.

For do-it-yourself, you'd need the driver from somewhere else...



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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