
I want to install linuxppc in a Performa 6360.


1. I downloaded the latest non-us image available (april 2001)

2. burn a CD with the image

3. tried to boot form CD, but does not work
   generate the floppies and

   a.  Boot - ok
   b.  Root - ok
   c.  tried CD does not find anything usefull
   c'. Rescue (now floppy)
   d.  Driver 1
       I could not pass this stage.
       I tried everything in the CD (evry driver image)
       with no success.

I am stucked!

Can anybody please provide me some directions installing linuxppc?

What should I do:
1. download another image?
2. took of all the boards in performa box?
3. boot from CD 
   (I still don't know why I could not boot from CD)

Thanks in advance,

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