> > CD from an OF prompt?
> You can boot from the CD in OF with boot cd:,\\:tbxi .
Booting into OF shows:

 OpenFirmware 3.1.1"

and your command produces:

 cd:,\\tbxi, unknown word

I also tried "hd:,\\tbxi" with the same answer "unknown word".

> > I've heard (without confirmation) that the early b&w G3 might have a
> > problem with booting from a CD but at least Suse has found a way.
> Well, maybe they use proprietary software, which we can't nor want to.
I don't think Suse distributes any proprietary part under the GPL.

> Anyway, I've asked Mr. Benson on IRC about this, and he advised to use
> at least 2.2r5 CDs as earlier versions are known to have boot issues.
> Furthermore he says to try and reset the PRAM (command option p r for 3
> reboots on cold boot) and then try to boot the CDs again.

PRAM reseting for 3 times doesn't change anything, still no Debian CD

O. Wyss

Author of "Debian partial mirror synch script"

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