On Mar 15 2002, Siggi Langauf wrote:
> Hmmm, I guess that every USB mouse wil work fine. Personally, I'm
> using an optical Wheel mouse by Logitech, which is nice to use on
> "strange" surfaces like Sofas or wooden tables. But it has already
> failed on a plasic mouse pad.

        Humm... :-) Well, I'll perhaps see if I can get one of those.

> The only real advantage over the Trackpad is having three mouse
> buttons and a scroll wheel...

        The scroll wheel is an excellent bonus if I can find an USB
        mouse, that is. :-)

> >     It seems that the trackpad of this notebook is way inferior
> >     than the trackpad of my Compaq Armada V300 and I have to
> >     comfort myself with the idea of getting an external mouse,
> >     since the behaviour of "trackpad drag" is unsatisfactory.
> Hmmm, what exactly is unsatisfactory? Have you tried "trackpad lock"
> as well?

        Yes, I tried that, and that is what I don't like. In fact, my
        problem is that "trackpad drag" brings me some reminiscences
        of "lock".

        The situation is this: when I double-tap the pad, the cursor
        enters move mode. I then move the windows as well as I like.
        No problems here. But when I release the pad (i.e., lift my
        finger), the cursor takes some time to change back to pointing

        I would like to control this delay (in fact, I would like it
        to instantly change).

        Is there anybody here that knows if this a limitation of the
        ADB bus (which I read is quite slow)? Or is it controllable
        via software?

        I hope benh reads this e-mail. :-)

        Of course, I would like to avoid spending more money on this
        iBook, since I'm quite short on cash right now (and I am a
        graduate student -- thus, broke). :-)

> The only thing I find annoying from time to time is the trackpad's
> over-sensitivity which often makes me tap anywhere on the screen
> while typing...

        Yes, I see that, but that doesn't bother me as much as the
        fact I described above.

> As I said before: they should all work. With linux just as with OS
> X, you just have to plug them in.

        Nice. Thanks, Siggi. I'll see if I can change the trackpad
        behavior. If not, then I think that I'll have to get an USB

        Thanks, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/

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