On Mar 05 2002, Rogério Brito wrote:
>       After I lift my finger from the trackpad, the mouse cursor is
>       still kept in the "move mode" for an amount of time, before it
>       reverts to the "pointing mode", i.e, the window is not
>       "dropped".
>       I would prefer that the cursor changed from the "move mode" to
>       the "pointing mode" as soon as I lifted my finger from the
>       trackpad. Is it possible to change this behaviour via software
>       or is it a limitation of the hardware?

        Dear people,

        It's been a while since I posted the message above to the
        list.  Is there any solution to this problem other than using
        "trackpad drag" (which I already used and still presents the
        delay I mentioned)?

        Is it a hardware limitation? Can it be corrected via software?

        Thanks for any help, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/

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