On Fre, 2002-03-08 at 17:35, Ron Farrer wrote:
> Michel D?nzer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > It's a possible way, in particular if you just put Modes "current" in
> > the Display subsection.
> > 
> > Getting back to your original question: I guess just 'fbset 1024x768-60'
> > (or any other 1024x768 mode, see /etc/fb.modes) doesn't work either? Do
> > you use tdfxfb or OFfb? The latter can't change modes so you either have
> > to use tdfxfb or the tdfx X driver.
> Ok, I tried changing the modes to "current" and 'fbset
> 1024x768-anything' works fine, I'm using "-100" right now. However fbset 
> only effects the current tty. It doesn't effect tty7. So X still runs at 
> 640x480... 

Try fbset with -a (see fbset -h or man fbset).

> As I said in the past, setting the driver to "tdfx" causes the X server
> to segfault (signal 11) at startup (see list archives.) When I built
> this kernel, I said yes to tdfx framebuffer.. but how do I check if it's
> being used? 'cat /proc/fb' shows:
> 0 3Dfx Voodoo3
> 1 OFfb /bandit/3Dfx,Voodoo3
> Looking at that I'd gather it's using the tdfxfb driver.

You are, you couldn't have changed the mode with fbset otherwise.

> As I said in a previous thread, I'd LOVE to get the fdfx driver to work.
> So if anyone can help figure out why it segfaults, I'd be very happy -
> especially since the fbdev isn't accelerated...

Some people here have gotten it to work, and there's a page about how to
do it somewhere on the web.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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