On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 07:32, Matijs van Zuijlen wrote:

> I have some criticisms too, of course: It would be nice if you
> elaborated some more on the why's and how's of some of the guidelines
> you give, perhaps by refering to the relevant section in the
> Battery-Powered mini HOWTO (it's not entirely obsolete). Also, some of
> your tips have some unexpected effects: I tried the noatime option, and
> mutt's system for detecting incoming mail in my mailboxes stopped
> working :(.

Right, you will lose some features if you use noatime, but I can't think
of a normal situation in which you could lose data or anything like
that.  Most important things use the mtime. YMMV.

I agree, it probably would be good to mention this somewhere, though.

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