> I had the same problem as you (* "Pas facile tous les jours d'être français
> ;)" *). To enable those keys, I downloaded kbd-mac-fr.tar.gz and from
> http://www.linux-france.org/macintosh/clavier_rpm3.html
> and installed mac-fr-ext_new.kmap.gz as indicated on the web page.
> Then I had to put the following line in my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 :
> Section "InputDevice"
> (...)
>       Option "XkbModel" "macintosh"
>       Option "XkbLayout" "fr_new"
> Endsection
> Thus, I can have backslash, tilde and pipe by pressing at once [shift][alt]
> and respectively /, N and L on my Ibook2/Woody.

Thank you all for the feedback!

I finally got my keyboard to work (almost) properly.

I had also looked at www.linux-france.org/macintosh/clavier_rpm*.html but
that did not help immediately. My Keyboard InputDevice looked exactly like 

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Mac Keyboard"
        Driver          "Keyboard"
        Option          "CoreKeyboard"

        Option          "Xkbtypes"      "default"
        Option          "XkbCompat"     "default"
        Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
        Option          "XkbSymbol"     "macintosh/fr_new"
        Option          "XkbGeometry"   "macintosh"

and with this, my keyboard was completely screwed up.

However, everything works just fine by adding this option:

        Option          "XkbKeycodes"   "macintosh" 

But I don't know why!

BTW, I still cannot switch back to console mode. CTRL+ALT+Fi 
does not give anything.


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