On Fri 01 Mar 2002 13:27, matthieu foillard wrote:
> hello,
> i try to make DVD ( xine, mplayer, or whatever else) works on pismo
> (powerbook) system, but the video playback is _really_ slow.
> i'm running debian sid on a 2.4.19-pre2 kernel.
> ppl from xine project said me my DVD drive is to slow to read DVD :
> btw, i could read DVD using apple player on MacOS, that's why i can't
> understand why i can't make it working on linux.
> any ideas ?
> thanks all

i' m using a pismo 400mhz with kernel 2.4.17 benh and using ogle or vlc 
the video playback is about 20% slower than with macos. the old xine 
was about only 10%, the new doesn't want to read the css-ed dvd so i 
can't do tests. The last mplayer (0.60) blacks out my screen. I' m 
using self-compiled libs and progs and i've tried only css-ed dvds. 
This is the only help i can give, sorry ( for my english too :).

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