On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 01:27:42AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ok, I've got a problem of my own. I finally figured out how to get X working
> (I'm using enlightenment as a window manager). Nice desktop BTW. Anyhow, my
> mouse isn't working. The mouse works fine in the linux console - with the
> gpm package - but I haven't a clue why it isn't working in X. I'm pointing X
> at /dev/input/mice, and I don't have the adbmouse driver for some strange
> reason. I've read the list archives, but the closest solution I've read that
> may work needs the /dev/adbmouse driver.
> I know I said I didn't need that driver, *blush* but, I'll ask again if
> anyone has it, or where can I extract it from?

/dev/input/mice is definitely the right answer.
> Another is that I'm using a quasi-ISO ADB keyboard - CSA - and I'm using the
> u.s. layout cuz that's the only one working. I was wondering if there was a
> package that added more layouts, and if not, what layout can I use to get
> some sort of close approximation to the layout? In Mac OS the closest would
> be ISO or French, but I'm not too sure.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?


dpkg-reconfigure console-data

It doesn't add more layouts, just records which installed layout you want to 

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