Many oldworld powerpc computers need the video=ofonly boot argument in order to use the installer. The hfs-boot-floppy image we currently provide does not supply this argument.
I used a binary editor (beav) to add video=ofonly into the miBoot System.bin source file in boot-floppies, and verified that on my oldworld machines the modified file enables the floppy to work, where before the monitor couldn't sync up. (I replaced spaces in the file, and didn't change the file size). It's my understanding that this argument would do no harm for any powerpc system, at least if it's just the installer boot we're talking about. If that's right, I'd like to commit the change to cvs so the hfs-boot-floppy image has that argument. Many systems would be enabled for floppy usage that otherwise wouldn't work. -- *------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------* | <> | | debian-imac (potato): <> | | Chris Tillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | May the Source be with you | *----------------------------------------------------------------*