I'm facing a strange behaviour. and I'm very curious to know/understand more about it. the computer (PowerMac 9600) the RAM (32 Mb) when the ram is plugged on. network become quitte unreachable. ie, ping lost between 75-85% paquets ssh to other mahine fail fpt can't reach any host but in the same time I can perform heavy compilation/calculs/etc... it just affect the networking stuff. NB the problem is not dependant on the slot I plug the ram neither interleaving. NB2 memory tools under MacOS (guru, techToolpro) claims there is no problem with this. when ram is unplugged, everithing is OK I don't complain, I can live without this extra 32Mb, but I would like to know what appens. did it happens to one of you ? what could be the reason ? Eric -- un tentative de penetration (pas de sous entendus) d'un systeme peut etr compare a un viol. Le portscan reviendrait a promener ses doigts pour voir s'il y a une ceinture de chastete ... -+- M in GNU - Petit traité de sexualité informatique appliquée -+-