Help please,
I am trying to configure X for my ibook2.
This is the little ibook, also known as ibook2001 and icebook.
I know X can be configured because I had Yellowdog linux running just
fine with kde and it was cool except I missed apt-get and all the
wonders of debian. So I grabbed a recent potato install cd and installed
a base system then upgraded to woody.
I also grabbed the latest benh kernel via rsync.
What are the steps I need to take to get X working??
What kernel modules are needed?
What order do they need to be installed?
Supposing I have all the kernel modules in place then what packages are
I have xfree86, xserver-common, Mesa, and the like but I may be missing
something there.
When I startx I get error no screens found.
I know a number of you have succesfully configured X and I think I am
getting pretty close I just fear I am missing a critical piece.
Also should I be able to build a working X using "dpkg-reconfigure -plow
xfree86-xserver" or will dexconf work?
If neither of those tools work do I have to tbuild an xconfig by hand?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.