Should I be alarmed? -- ______________________________________________________________________ Eric: I want to live in a world where software doesn't suck ////////// Richard: Any software that isn't free sucks ////////// [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linus: I'm interested in free beer ///// <> ////
I just did an apt-get upgrade for testing, and it pulled down a new
version of mac-fdisk (0.1-8). During the setup phase for mac-fdisk,
it gave the warning "no native fdisk for this machine type". I am on
an original PBG4.
- Re: mac-fdisk 0.1-8 warning on install Wilhelm *Rafial* Fitzpatrick
- Re: mac-fdisk 0.1-8 warning on install Michael Schmitz
- Re: mac-fdisk 0.1-8 warning on insta... Wilhelm *Rafial* Fitzpatrick
- Re: mac-fdisk 0.1-8 warning on i... Michael Schmitz