On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:

> I've gone through the install procedure of potato on a pismo (a new
> world powerbook).
> Is there a way of booting linux from the open firmware command line so
> that I can then run ybin after configuring it?

yes boot on cd (as for installation)
at yaboot prompt
        "welcome to yaboot blah....
         boot: "
type the following command

where <linux_root_partition> looks like 11 in your case.
the pismo should boot on the installed linux.

edit /etc/yaboot.conf to reflect your partition s$
run mkofboot, run ybin.

> My partitions:
>     1-8     Apple Driver stuff
>     9       Bootstrap (800K)
>     10      swap      (200M)
>     11      /         (8.4G)


Un detail, je suis sur Unix... Redemarrer un systeme Unix fait
generalement apparaitre dans mon bureau entre 1 et 3 ingenieurs
systeme a l'humeur agressive voire violente.
-+- VS in Guide du linuxien pervers - "De l'art de faire apparaître des IS"

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