
I have been having a troubling problem: kernel Oops have been occuring quite
often.  It may be that I am running out of memory; my PowerPC 6500 has 32MB RAM
and 80 MB swap.  This problem only seems to happen in X, running several
different apps, but quite inconsistently.  However, when I looked at the log
files, most of the time the first thing that causes an Oops is kswapd; other
times it has been dpkg and ps.  I understand that this is a very vague
description.  I'm running woody with packages from main, non-free, contrib and

Can anyone tell me how I might check this out a little better?  or how I can
make sure that it isn't a configuration problem?  Also, is this the right
mailing list for this problem?

Thanks very much,
Arlie Capps

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