On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 04:05, Jean-Michel Deleu wrote:
> This might be the wrong place to post such evidently juvenile questions 
> but I haven't found any other suitable list. If anyone has another 
> suggestion please tell me.

It's the right list, it has searchable archives though. ;)

> I've installed Debian/Potato on an old Mac 7300/180 and:
>   1) I am having trouble setting the colour depth at 15 . Acording to 
> the Debian_Guide (in usr/doc) and according to numerous posts on several 
> usenet sites I should be able to do this using either XF86Setup, 
> xf86setup, xf86config. I cannot find these on my system. I've tried to 
> edit XF86Config but when i change the DefaultDepth to 15, Xserver 
> crashes.What am i doing wrong ?

XFree86 3.x was very inconsistent about 15/16. If either doesn't work,
try the other.

> 3) Even running a "small" window manager like ice or blackbox, 
> applications take forever to launch (mozilla & mahjongg for ex.)When i 
> tried SuSE with either kernel 2.2.18 or 2.4 everything seemed a lot 
> faster even with KDE running.Obviously my setup must be wrong.I'd 
> appreciate getting feedback from someone with a similar installation.

Can't suggest much besides potato is ooold and you should upgrade to
woody. That might also help for the other problems.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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