On 4 Shevat 5762, Daniel Bolgheroni wrote: > I saw in a Linux magazine a procedure to install Yellow Dog Linux on a > iMac. > > I was trying to apply the same installation procedures with Debian > PPC. > > The magazine said I need MacOS because Linux kernel need to be > instaled in a Macintosh Partition (HFS) and because BootX need to be > installed on MacOS. > > My machine isn't a iMac. But, can I have only Linux installed on my > Performa? I don't need another operating system.
No, on NewWorld machines (iMac and later) you don't need MacOS. On OldWorld machines like your Performa, you can either use MacOS + BootX, or you can use utilities that write boot blocks on your hard drive and point Open Firmware to use them. Debian comes with what you need, but whether it works as advertised is another question. I always ended up with a 30MB MacOS partition and BootX, and it worked for me. Some links from Google about this problem: http://lppcfom.sourceforge.net/fom-serve/cache/574.html http://www.geocrawler.com/mail/thread.php3?subject=Booting+into+Linux+on+OldWorld+Mac&list=239 This might be useful, but of course he has a SCSI disk and you probably don't: http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~aturner/7200boot.html -- Charles Sebold 4th of Shevat, 5762