At 4:39 PM -0500 1/12/02, Albert D. Cahalan wrote:

Bite off a small chunk of the image. Pulling a number out of
my ass, I'll say 128x128 pixels and 4 frames deep. This fits
nicely into my 1 MB L2 cache. Go with 64x64 for the MPC7410.

You don't need to cut cache use by 1/4 on the 7410. It's got almost the same L2 cache scheme as the 7400: they added one address bit so it can use up to 2 MB of SRAM, and it can now use half or all of the SRAM as memory instead of cache. I think all of Apple's 7410 systems have 1 MB L2, and naturally Apple configures it all as cache.

Were you thinking of the 7450? It's the one that has 256 KB of on-die L2. Keep in mind that it still has an interface for external cache, which is now L3. Apple ships low end 7450 systems with no L3 and medium to high range systems with 2 MB L3.
Tim Seufert

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