On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Nick Bailey wrote:

> Don't know if this is relevant, but on my Dell laptop, all 
> sorts of ticks and groans come out of the speakers until the 
> ALSA driver gets loaded (it uses a Maestro3 chipset).  I'm 
> guessing this is because at reset the internal audio out 
> lines are all in a high impedance state, and this changes 
> when the chip's initialised.
> Could a similar thing be going on with the ibook2?

I doubt it, but I couldn't be sure without breaking out some test
equipment :-P  It can probably be minimised with the tumbler's filtering
(at least I'm guessing so, not having written the code yet to find out
:-P), which is why I'm going to try to reproduce it here while working on
the driver.

FWIW, I'm planning on writing up a quick web page for the driver until
it's not in flux so much (so that people can test the things that I'm
working on, if they'd like...I don't know about you guys, but having audio
on my laptop is important to my sanity and I'm sure others are like me 


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