> On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 14:15, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> > Well, the only reason I could see is if it either needs a kernel
> > config option enabled, not provided by the kernel-image-*-prep
> > package, or else if it needs a file from the kernel build not normally
> > provided by the package.  It should be pretty easy to read bootprep.sh
> Probably.  But I have basically zero knowledge of the PReP architecture,
> and no way to test the resulting kernel image.  
> So, I'd like to take this opportunity to call for anyone with a working
> knowledge of the PReP architecture, shell script, and preferably C to
> help work on the Debian boot-floppies for PReP.  Right now it doesn't
> even build because the root disk is too large. 

by 1954 bytes, yes.

are we sure we need /sbin/macfdisk on the _PReP_ root image? removing it 
allows the root disk to build (and even leaves 10 kB free!).

well, so far for today, I gotta get me a floppy drive to test this 



** christian mock in vienna, austria -- http://www.tahina.priv.at/~cm/
Vielleicht ist es aber auch nur einfach Zeit, dem Wolfi wieder den
root-Account wegzunehmen. Er ist noch zu klein dafuer.
 Ferdinand Goldmann in at.gesellschaft.politik

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