Daniel Jacobowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think that's a drastically unfair judgement.  I would rather ask
> every maintainer to do a few extra steps for the quality of their
> packages (or better yet, to improve automated systems to notify
> (opt-in) maintainers about such problems).  

Right now, there isn't even any link from www.debian.org to
buildd.debian.org.  If you want maintainers to be responsible for
checking up on each port to make sure that their packages work on that
port, then at a minimum, the following things need to happen:

1) The developer's reference should say so
2) There should be easy and convenient links with that information
   from (say) packages.debian.org
3) Every port should be responsible for making a machine available to
   developers so that they can fix bugs in their packages.  

Note that the problem with microwindows is currently stymied for lack
of #3.

And, of course, this should apply only to released ports, not ports
that exist only in sid.

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