
Maybe a bit late but testing nevertheless ;-)

On  15 Dec, this message from Adam Di Carlo echoed through cyberspace:
> I've uploaded i386 and powerpc boot-floppies to 
> <URL:http://people.debian.org/~aph/debian/dists/woody/main/>.

OK, tested these (in fact the 20011221 build of bf 3.0.18) for a new
install on a 7600 Powermac (SCSI disks, Oldworld, installation booted
via BootX).

I've come across a few problems:

- I need to repartition the SCSI disk. I want to keep Apple-style
  partirions, so I need to use mac-fdisk. First problem: debootstrap
  doesn't offer the choice of the aprtitioning tool. On PowerPC, I guess
  one should be able to use either mac-fdisk or standard fdisk.

- trying to use mac-fdisk from a shell, I get this error:

  /sbin/mac-fdisk: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

  Hmmm.. looks like ash tries to execute mac-fdisk as a shell script?

- from debootstrap, choosing 'partition harddisk' brings up the disk
  selection screen. Selecting /dev/sda brings me back immediately to the
  debootstrap screen, and the log shows fdisk exited normally. But I
  have no chance to see why it exits immediately. I still have to try it
  manually from a shell to see what's up.

FWIW, this is using my own 2.4.16 kernel since I need special stuff in
the kernel (Promise IDE controller).

Thanks, and cheers


PS I haven't looked, but I suppose LVM tools are not suported on bf?

Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg              |
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http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan        |                     Learn Always. "

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