On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 10:44, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > You could add a test "[-x /usr/sbin/anacron] && exit" or something like
> > > that into on_ac_power and not a dependency but a suggest for anacron.
> >
> > Neither of this is even needed. I have no idea how Michael came to think
> > on_ac_power would depend on anacron in any way. ;) anacron uses
> Must be the documentation that's available for on_ac_power. :-)
> > on_ac_power to determine whether it should run the cronjobs or not.
> OK, thanks for spelling that out, finally. Since on_ac_power is normally
> provided by apmd and pmud conflicts with apmd I see no problem adding the
> script. I'd like to wait for snooze to become Unix domain socket aware
> before releasing 0.10 though.

0.8-2 would be fine with me. :) Whatever happened to 0.9?

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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