First, I want to thank everyone who's been helping me through this install. I really appreciate it. :)
Now the black screen...I got all the way through the Woody installation, selecting "Make Bootable" at the end. I tried to make a boot disk, but evidently this isn't yet supported on PPC. I picked "Reboot" to finish things up, the machine restarts, and...nothing. Just a black screen. CMD-Option-P- R? Nothing. CMD-Option-O-F? Nada. Same with trying to boot from the installation boot floppy, the Rescue disk, and from the MacOS 8 CD. (This is on a Performa 6400/180, which is listed as a supported platform. I used floppies for the initial install and setup, and have the basedebs.tgz file on a CD.) Is there anything I can do at this point besides opening up the case and twiddling the bits with my tongue? Thanks again. Mike