On Dec 5, John Hughes wrote: > the track pad on my iBook2 has always been extremely sensitive and > erratic. It jumps arround, and is nealy unuseable. What can I do about > this?
Although you're addressing the pointing ability of the trackpad, I should like to mention that I particularly found the click-on-tap feature under linux to be detremental to my X usage. In order to solve this I downloaded the trackpad 0.1.0 rpm for yellow dog linux, and used alien to install it on my system. Its pretty minimal and there's probably a different way of getting the same functionality these days (or else I expect it would be in the debian package system), but I always use trackpad notap before I start X due to the fact that otherwise I'll usually be typing in a terminal or something and suddenly I'll have inadvertently clicked on something like another window. Which can really waste time after the 50th time it happens; damn thumbs. -Daniel