> > My sysctl.conf is empty. _I_ certainly have not ran it, and I don't
> > know if another program may have ran it at boot time.
> grep -lr keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes /etc (or / if you don't mind
> waiting a bit ;) might be interesting.

  <embarrassed expression>
The fault is mine! It seems that, at some point, I decided not to run
ybin! yaboot.conf was always pointing to a 2.4.10 kernel, and I kept
on copying new builds onto that kernel file. As such, I did not have
to run ybin. But, I must have neglected to do this when I'd (long ago)
taken out the 'append=' line. 

How did I find this? Michel's grep idea led to
/proc/device-tree/chosen/bootargs (or some such path), which clearly
showed the keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes=1 !!

Much apologies! ... On the plus side, at least I don't have to sift
thru the linux src code this weekend! :-)

BTW, 'grep' hung on soft links (warns, then goes to sleep and
stays there)! So I umounted /home and tried
  find / -type f -exec grep keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes '{}' ';'
This works better, but will hang on /proc/kmsg because sysctl is running.

     The difference between Unix and Windoze advocacy:
   Unix users *love* Unix; Windoze users _defend_ windoze!

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