On mar, nov 27, 2001 at 11:33:00 +0100, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > > > Please submit it in a bug report against console-data. (If you're
> > > > > allowed to, that is)
> > > BS. Anyone is 'allowed' to send bug reports.
> > Of course, we're not (insert commercial Linux distributor here). ;)
> Sure. His reaction implied that he was under the impression our BTS isn't
> open, though.
Apologizes. Nasty habits of my long-time use of (insert 'favorite'
commercial Linux distro here) ;) 

> > What I meant was if it can legally be included in Debian and you have
> > the rights to submit it.
> The 'it' above was the bit I missed. A patch might not be fit for
> inclusion for some reason or other but it should at least alert the
> maintainer of the problem, and point out one possible solution.
OK, legally, there should be no problem. The files I pointed to are provided
under GPL (see the file COPYING in the tar.gz). 

Concerning the USB/ADB issue, the point is (translated from
http://www.linux-france.org/article/materiel/mac/clavier_rpm3.html) :

  The files of this version 3.0 are an update of version 2.2, in order that
  they work with the "new input layer", a new handling of keyboards and 
  mouse, which unifies the ADB ans USB keyboards handling). That "new input
  layer" is used in LinuxPPC 2000 Q4 or kernels including this feature. If
  your kernel and/or distribution does not support this feature, you have to
  use an older release.  

I must admit that I'm a totally newbie at Apple hardware, and I don't know
what is the "new" and the "old" input layers.


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