Chris Tillman wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 08:44:31PM -0800, Andrew Sharp wrote:
> >
> > Chris Tillman wrote:

> > > Another interesting point is that I can run all the ncurses test
> > > programs except worm, which crashes in a few seconds, but only when
> > > the console it's running on is actually visible. And, the blink and
> > > underline attributes don't seem to work on my system.
> > >
> > > Finally, I downloaded the kernel-image-2.4.12-powerpc package to see
> > > if changing the kernel would make a difference. It did, the nano crash
> > > disappeared. The worm crash is still present, though.
> > >
> > > I can continue trying to trace the problem in worm, if there's
> > > interest, since it's present in both kernels. Or if there's interest
> > > in the kernel 2.2.19 nano problem, whatever... I am interested in
> > > helping track down the problem because it's such a hard crash. My
> > > filesystem is of course damaged when I have to hard reboot.
> > >
> > > I signed up to the list. Let me know what I can try. And Happy
> > > Thanksgiving!
> >
> > Thanks.  Are you sure it's not just some memory that's gone bad
> > rather than a conflict with the video card?
> >
> Well, I don't know how it could hit the same memory location at
> exactly the same time over more than 50 attempts (each time rebooting)
> and using two different released versions of the program plus my own
> compiled versions with debug statements added. Or could it? How would
> I test that?
> I wonder if the video card could be moved to the PowerCenter machine
> to see if the problem follows it? Probably not... The other machine
> does have a different card.

It may be an entire bank or line or whatever, not necessarily a
particular single addressed location.  You can try removing
individual sticks of memory, or moving memory around to your other
boxes to see if the problem follows any particular stick.


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