On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 10:07:37AM +0000, franck routier wrote:
> Hi,
> Did anyone manage to use a french keyboard TiBook under debian gnu Linux
> ?
> I use Sid and kernel 2.4.12 with Linux keycodes
> My problems are :
> - if I use the standard console-tools, I get a wrong keymap (for example
> the '_' gives me a '=' )
> - if I replace console-tool's boottime.kmap.gz with the one found on
> http://www.linux-france.org/article/materiel/mac/clavier_rpm3.html ,
> things get better, but I still don't get alt to work. Especially it
> results in preventing me from having any | or {} characters...
> Has anyone a solution to get a full powered shiny working french keymap
> ?

There are a couple of mac-usb-fr keymaps in the
/usr/share/keymaps/i386/azerty folder. Will one of those work?
Or are those the same ones you're choosing with console-tools?

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