>Can someone toss me a clue or two on getting the internal modem working
>under Debian on my iBook Dual USB (a.k.a. 2001)?
>I'm using kernel-image-2.2.20-powermac.  The kernel sees two serial
>devices according to dmesg, on /dev/tty00 and tty01.
>I've grepped the list archives of this list and cannot find anyone else
>with my specific problem.  pppd and chat can talk to either of
>/dev/ttyS{0,1}, but no "OK" is returned after ATZ or AT is sent.
>My dmesg output looks like other dmesg output reported to this list
>about serial devices on iBooks and TiBooks, except that the
>parenthetical bit at the end ("port = modem" or whatever) is not
>Does anyone have any advice for me?

First you might need one of my latest 2.4.x trees for this modem to

Then try /dev/ttyS0 and let the modem settle down about 3 seconds
before using it.

Finally be happy you don't have one of these new titanium powerbooks,
Apple had the stupid idea of replacing the serial modem with an USB
based softmodem for which I'm afraid we may not see the light of an
opensource driver anytime soon :(


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