Hello Colin!

Thanks for your work! ;-)

On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 10:06:34PM -0500, Colin Walters wrote:
> Georg Koss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I tried to find SANE in debian. On home-page's package-search
> > sane-1.0.5-3 should be in sid and *-1.0.4-1 in woody.  When trying
> > to install them dselect and apt-cache search failed to find them.
> >
> > With e.g. libsane-1.0.4-2 (in woody) the SANE-backend seems to be
> > provided, so does sane-frontends-package exist on PPC?
> I have put together a NMU which fixes the build problems, and also
> updated to the latest upstream version.

IIRC it should be v-1.0.6  =8-). I ask because I tried to
install that from mostang.org. There was a bug in it complaining some
stuff around the umax_pp drivers. I adaptedthe Makefiles on two
evenings and got it compiling (I'm no hacker ;-/ )
Afterwards I contacted the maintainer of that part of code -
explaining the problems I experienced. But he didn't tell me about any
bug-fixing solution till now.

For my feeling (I'm no hacker :-( ) this problems were in 1.0.4 and
1.0.5 as well. I got the same make-error when compiling it from

> If you have a SANE supported
> scanner, please test this package (I don't have a scanner, so I
> can't).

As it was a lot of work (not shure if I can reproduce it) I don't want
to kill my 1.0.6 even if it's not debian's, bacause it works.

But, I promise to try your package if I've a bit time after the
weekend (which I have to be at a congress around 800miles from home
;-), and I can't promise to do it tomorrow.
BUT I bought a new scanner that works with sane-1.0.6 at the moment. So
 we 'll see. ;-)

Good night and have a good time



Georg Koss


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