On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:

> X is known to have problems with radeon's on macs in general (I have to
> slightly
> hack it on my desktop AGP radeon card). Ani Joshi has patches for this
> and most
> of his work is supposed to have reached XFree CVS HEAD. Some other people are
> working on getting it to work on the new powerbook on linuxppc-dev
> mailing list.

It did reach CVS, fyi, but their changelogs are not keyed by date, but
rather by month, then by person and aren't guaranteed to be in
chronological order within the month :-P  Of course it would be much
easier to isolate the patches if they had a cvsweb interface, but I
digress.  There are also changes made after Joshi's patches that
supposedly fix a few more things with the M6's, including endian problems,

> Note that I'm waiting for one of these beasts as well (should be here this
> week) and I am a debian user, so I will probably post a "fixed" (hacked ?)
> radeon_drv.o as soon as I get it working.

If you beat me to it (likely...I just got a GameCube, so there goes my
free time :-P), send the patches in a bug report to Branden (the X
maintainer).  He is willing to accept them for inclusion into the Debian
XFree86 package as long as they're contained and tested.


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