Hello, I just upgraded my PowerMac/Potato to Woody. After some troubles
(why is X unable to find XF86Config?) I have got the X server up and
running again, but I'm unable to solve the problem with some keys.

I'm using a spanish ISO keyboard. No problem with special characters
(such as accents, n-tilde and so on), but the backspace has changed to
a delete-in-the-cursor key (instead of a destructive backspace). I
have also lost the alt and alt-gr keys, so I'm unable to get some
chars as "@" or an "|".

Any help?

Thanks in advance,
Jose Alfonso Accino
Universidad de Málaga
Dirección de Enseñanza Virtual                 http://www.ieev.uma.es
Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 33 (Edif. SCAI)         Telf.: +34-5-213 29 44
29071  MALAGA (España)                         Fax:   +34-5-213 29 45

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