On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 11:16:44AM -0600, Stephen R Marenka wrote:
> I was able to build the following packages on my box using Nov. 12 sid
> and pbuilder, so they should probably be requeued.
> xpvm 1.2.5-7
> gfontview 0.3.2-2.1
> rlinetd 0.5.6
> wget-retriever 0.007
> The following all seem to have libtool/automake problems on voltaire, 
> but not on my box. I was wondering if voltaire has the latest versions?
> Any other ideas?
> libregexx 0.96-1.1 
> libsndfile 0.0.26-1
> w3c-libwww 5.3.2-7

Have you got them installed where you are building?  I bet not. 
Configure detects them, tries to use them, and dies.

Not requeuing rlinetd, for the same reason.

Daniel Jacobowitz                           Carnegie Mellon University
MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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