On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 07:13:30PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 03:34:30AM +0100, Florian Friesdorf wrote:
> > 
> > I know a little more of my ibook now, but I'm still not able to delete
> > the partition table of my harddisk with Open Firmware commands.
> why on earth do you want to do this?  you do partitioning in debian's
> mac-fdisk not OpenFirmawre.

It was a last idea, to solve the problems with my ibook.
Perhaps the partition table is so screwed up, that the MacOSs cannot
boot anymore. Just speculations.

> > Or isn't it possible to manipulate data on harddisks from within Open
> > Firmware? It should be, as I saw read and write as "words" for my
> > harddisk device and even "initdevice", but I couldn't find documentation
> > on how to use them.
> its possible, but not something you want to do, you will almost
> certainly end up destroying everything.

ok - then I think it is really time to contact apple.

thanks for your work.

     Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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