On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:

> >Hehehehe...what can I say?  Actually, this was the first fully-assembled
> >computer that I've purchased since the 1980s, so I'm probably not all that
> >lucky :-P
> Well, as Michel said, I'm about to be a lucky bastard as well :) Mine will
> wait a couple of weeks, I had some screw up between Apple store and my
> bank.

DOH!  It actually cost me less to buy from Compusa, believe it or
not.  The price was exactly the same as the apple store, I didn't have to
pay shipping, and there's no sales tax where I live, so it worked out
nicely :-P

> I included this patch in my latest rsync. I don't know how well it works,
> it doesn't implement sleep support yet. Several people are working on
> improving radeonfb though, and I will try to get sleep working as soon
> as I have the machine, so stay tuned.

I'll give it a shot.  The radeonfb does work, but it was just slow.  I am
currently using the OF fb support, but will test radeonfb
frequently.  Anything I can do to help?  I don't know much about the state
of the ppc kernel, but I am familiar with the kernel in general...


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