On   8 Nov, this message from Matt Brubeck echoed through cyberspace:
> On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Laurent de Segur wrote:
>> As for last night, trying to install testing or unstable powerpc-utils
>> package on top of a woody freshly updated system still shows the same
>> conflict error reported for about 10 days. Ethan's workaround of using
>> sid (unstable) doesn't work and causes the same problem (conflict
>> happens with '/usr/share/man/man8/clock.8.gz'.)
> Note that the bug is with util-linux, not powerpc-utils.  The clock.8 man
> belongs to powerpc-utils, but was claimed by util-linux due to a typo.
> Are you *sure* that this bug is still present in unstable?  What version
> of util-linux is installed / being installed?  Version 2.11l-4 in unstable
> has this bug (#116985) marked closed, and it fixed the problem for me.

Upgraded yesterday myself, and I can confirm that unstable packages fix
the problem.

> 'apt-get install util-linux/unstable' and see if that fixes your problem.

Add util-linux-locales/unstable to that. Both packages go together, so
you need both out of unstable.

If yo ran into the problem while dist-upgrading, that failed on the
error, so you have one package half-installed, and the rest of the
dist-upgrade pending.

Just run

        apt-get install util-linux/unstable util-linux-locales/unstable

and continue with apt-get dist-upgrade afterwards.



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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