Hello all,

I tried to install linux on my new ibook. But I got an error message:
Welcome to yaboot version 0.9
Wrong partition 1 signature
Config file read, 528 bytes
Debian GNU/Linux PowerPC (potato)
Loading kernel...
Wrong partition 1 signature

Image not found.... try again
WARNING ! default_close called !
I already searched the internet - but couldn't find anything useful.

Another strange thing is, that after Installing MacOS X I cannot boot
anything. MacOS 9 and MacOS X, and also their install CDs hang during
boot phase. They stopped nearly at the end of the progress bar.

I used the partition tool from the MacOS 9 Install CD to create 3
Partitions (MacOS 9, MacOS X, Linux dummy).
Others reported, there are a lot of partitions belonging to Open
Firmware. I could only see my newly created 3 partitions - hmmm.

Now, I have a new ibook, but nothing is working on it. And I do nearly
know nothing about powerpc hardware. - So please help.
references to documentation would also be fine.


     Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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