On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 03:47:23PM -0800, ozymandias G desiderata wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 03:32:25PM -0800, ozymandias G desiderata wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I'm trying to install woody onto a G4 Cube using Ethan's current
> > preferred method...
> OK, sorry to waste everyone's time, I had not sufficiently RTFM and
> hadn't noticed the bit about not being able to load from a HFS+ disk.
> Given that all of my bootable media are at a friend's house right now,
> looks like I'm going to be booting from the network. ;)

I'm beginning to think that the problem is the boot-floppies kernel
not getting along with the Cube. I've set up dhcp and tftp, I can boot
via 'boot enet:,yaboot', yaboot loads correctly, it reads yaboot.conf
and loads the kernel (yaboot.conf is attached to this message), and
then I get the DO-QUIESCE nuttiness again. 

Some questions:

 1. Does the resolution of the
    fb matter at all (I'm running at 1280x1024 right now)?
 2. Is there a set of 2.4-based boot-floppies out there somewhere that
    I can try? 
 3. Is there something else I need to be adding to the append=

I'm going to try to netboot a 2.4-based kernel. If that works, I'll
report back. In the meantime, any assistance would earn my deepest


       . . . the self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind . . .
ozymandias G desiderata     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     desperate, deathless
(415)558-9064        http://www.aoaioxxysz.com/          ::AOAIOXXYSZ::
init-message="Debian GNU/Linux Network boot"


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