On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 09:53:20AM +0100, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Chris Tillman wrote:
> > To close bug #57369, I think all we need is a list of powerpc models
> > supported by Debian. Please add, correct, or otherwise munge:
> Bad idea, rather point people to some online list at a site like
> penguinppc.org... Models known to have no support whatsoever can be listed
> statically (like that one infamous 6xxx Powermac supported by neither
> MkLinux nor Linux).

one thing to keep in mind is woody will ship with a specific kernel
(probably 2.2.19 or 2.2.20) and will not ever upgrade that kernel once
woody is stable.  so when the current kernel that supports some new
mac is 4.4.12 debian woody will still be using 2.2.19 which won't
support the new machine.  no new kernel will be available until the
next stable release after woody, in 2043.

so from that perpective a static text that goes with the static kernel
debian's stable boot-floppies release uses might be a good thing.  

Ethan Benson

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