On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 12:47:32PM -0600, Stephen R Marenka wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 12:19:52AM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> > That's true, but help is always needed with processing the failed
> > build list:
> > 
> > http://buildd.debian.org/stats/powerpc-failed.txt
> > 
> > You don't need to be a developer to help; if you can figure out how to
> > fix a particular package, just file a bug in the BTS against that
> > package, with a patch.  Most of these should be severity 'serious',
> > since they don't build from source.
> > 
> > Eek, we're up to 160 now...
> I thought I'd try to make a dent in that list.
> procps          117203  closed
> strace          117218  

Strace iss incompatible with the kernel headers in the current C
library packages.  I've just gotten the necessary fixes into the kernel
(thanks, Tom) yesterday.

> dcethreads      117221
> fribidi         117224
> gtk+            117227

And that's a really old version of GTK...

> libhoard        117571
> mesa            117575
> These packages all built fine for me using pbuilder and sid. In
> addition, I was unable to find any buildd logs even though they are
> listed in the failed list.

Build logs expire fairly quickly.

> id3lib          3.7.13-4
> ivtools         0.9.2-2
> libgtop         1.0.12-2.2
> rmc             20010628CVS-3
> w3c-libwww      5.3.2-7

I need to requeue failures periodically.  I'll get to it soonish.

Daniel Jacobowitz                           Carnegie Mellon University
MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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