check out the tune2fs program, but you can't change the number of
inodes with this program.  the reserved space can be, though.

tar the files up and compress them "cd tar Icf /tmp/ ."

you can just put the tar file on the hfs partition, but you might be
better off just sticking it somewhere safer while you re-mkfs the
partition.  use the -v flag of mkfs to check how many inodes it is
creating, etc.  you only need to store the tar file until you finish
this step and then untar in onto the new file system.  you don't
have to untar that file until then.  it all only takes a couple of

read the man page for tune2fs (e2fsprogs package).


Laurent de Segur wrote:
> Andrew,
> Thanks for your nice feedback. This is extremelly helpful.
> Is it possible to change anything on the current partition without
> reformatting it or am I just doomed to tarball all the content, move it
> somewhere else (I can always zap my macos 9 partition I haven't touched for
> months...) and then mkfs, then restore files? It would be nice if I can
> change reserved space and goof with inode stuff without doing that though.
> Thanks for your help,
> Laurent
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:59 AM
> Subject: Re: Trouble copying a large number of files to last ext2 partition
> > Laurent de Segur wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I run into this bizarre problem trying to copy a large amount of files
> to
> > > the last partition on my disk. The disk is 10GB and the last partition
> > > occupies the last 1GB of the disk (minus a few extra spare sectors.)
> > >
> > > I did an fschk on the partition and no problem is reported.
> > >
> > > I've got a compressed zip file with about 30000 files I want to
> uncompress.
> > > I know that the uncompressed size will end up filling the 1GB partition
> to
> > > about 90%.
> > >
> > > If I unzip the file located on the same partition I get an error message
> > > (can't create the file on device) for a few dozens files then the copy
> will
> > > stop. At that point the disk is full at about 87%.
> >
> > You can make the filesystem with a set percentage set aside for root
> > so that the filesystem doesn't get all screwed up when it gets
> > full-ish.  Actually getting completely full is a bad thing.  So set
> > the percentage to 1 thusly:
> >
> > mkfs -m 1 /dev/<slice>
> >
> > Remember that other things consume space on the slice: inodes,
> > directories, directory entries, block indirects, and so on.  So just
> > 'cuz the slice is 1GB and the uncompressed size of the files is 90%
> > of that is no guarantee that they will fit.  You could also mess
> > with the number of bytes per inode to get the number of inodes to be
> > very close to what you want, thus saving space by not having a large
> > number of inodes unused.
> >
> > a
> >
> >
> > --
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