On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 11:56:04PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi everyone. > > Woody's root.bin image(3.0.15-2001-10-18/powermac/images-1.44/root.bin) > has a problem. > > My powermac 9600 cannot access network with this root image during install > time, So I cannot install debian form network. > When trying to get rescue.bin or base.tgz, System output an error message > immediatly like this; > "Failed to get files.."
networking is broken in 3.0.16 boot-floppies, i haven't looked at it but my guess is busybox, this version of b-f switched to busybox ifconfig, route and such from the netkit versions. it looks like busybox's notorious lack of portability may be causing problems yet again. > When trying with Ethan Benson's root image, > (http://master.penguinppc.org/~eb/root.bin) > I can access network. but system outputs an error message; > "Failure trying to run : chroot /taget mount -t proc proc /proc" not sure why that would happen, its a recurring problem nobody can reproduce and thus fix. > How can I install debianppc from network? eventually. -- Ethan Benson http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/
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