Well, I've managed to completely hork my new TiBook whilst attempting to install debian on it. (I'm new to apples, but have been using debian for some time now) I'd greatly appreciate any help!
This morning I tried the snag key 'c' to boot off the debian 2.2r3 CD I just burned (yeah, I realized afterwords I need to do the boot cd:,\yaboot from OF since I don't get anything but a white screen). Since then, when I power it on, I hear the Apple chime thing, but the screen never powers on. It doesn't boot OS/X, and if I press the apple-option-o-f thing to get into the open firmware, nothing happens. I've been in the open firmware stuff before, so I know I'm doing it right. I've tried pressing the apple-option-p-r combo when booting to reset the OF (note: not sure about the timing on that one, I've tried pressing and holding it before power-on, right after, after the chime, etc) but it doesn't seem to do anything. I also tried the little power management reset button at the back of the laptop...nothing. I tried unplugging power/battery and letting it sit for an hour, repeating my other fixes as well....nothing. I've even tried apple-option-o-f, then assuming its in OF even though the display isn't on, and trying to type set-defaults. *sigh* Anyway, I've searched the archives, poured over everything I can find on the subject and still can't get it to boot, so if anyone has any ideas, I will greatly appreciate it! tia, Jason