On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 08:54:01PM -0600, Derrik Pates wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Tom Rini wrote:
> > But does the iBook have enough VRAM to do DRI on even 640x480 at >16bpp?
> My FireWire iBook has 8 MB of 128-bit SDR SGRAM. The display on the
> clamshell iBooks only does 800x600, and the iBook2's display is 1024x768
> (and it, afaik, carries 8 MB as well). You're telling me that 1024x768x4
> (4 being 32bpp / 8 bits in a byte), which is only 3 MB, leaving 5 MB for
> texture RAM and whatnot, doesn't leave enough RAM for DRI to work? Geez.

As Michel Danzer pointed out before, no there's not enough for 1024x768
@ 32bpp for DRI.

Tom Rini (TR1265)

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