On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 08:53:43PM -0400, Michael D. Crawford wrote:
> I'm trying to install on a Mac 8500 using the instructions on this page:
> http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/inst/pmac

This is not a very good reference. I don't even know what that page is doing on
the website? There's an entire installation manual at

Installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 For PowerPC

> but I have a couple of problems.
> When I come to the step where I install the kernel and modules, I have
> it search my HFS disk looking for the directory that's got the needed
> files.  But it's looking for rescue.bin and driver.bin; what I have is
> rescue.bin, driver-1.bin, and driver-2.bin.  I suppose I could rename
> one of the driver-?.bin files but that doesn't seem to me to be the
> right thing to do.

As long as you have the rescue.bin file in an images-1.44 folder, which
itself is inside a folder named powermac, then the installer can find them.
It would be best to have the powermac folder also inside a folder named
current, current is where base2_2.tgz lives and powermac is where
drivers.tgz should be.

> In any case, step 6 on that page says to skipp the "install operating
> system and modules", and I suppose that is mostly OK because I boot off
> an uncompressed linux kernel on my HFS partition using BootX.  However,
> I end up with no modules.
> This might be the cause of my next problem - I want to install the
> packages using my modem.  I installed the base system then rebooted. 
> When i configure PPP, and it tries to autodetect my modem port, my modem
> lights do not blink and no modem is detected.  I can try out each of the
> options for the serial port (/dev/ttyS0 to ttyS4) and nothing works. 
> Just guessing I tried /dev/modem too and that didn't work either.
> So I am unable to configure PPP to dial out my modem.  What do I need to
> do to make my modem port work?
> It would be possible for me to put my modem on my PC running NT and
> route through ethernet using WinRoute on the PC.  I succeeded in this
> when I installed debian on my mac before, as I had the same problem with
> my modem then.  But I am reluctant to try this because I have observed
> that WinRoute corrupts data transmitted through it; I don't want to try
> to download the many megabytes an OS install will require through buggy
> router software.
> Thanks for any help you can give me.

Is it possible to use quik instead of BootX? That would give you a much more
manageable and supportable linux system.

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| : :'  : |   debian-imac: <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>  |
| `. `'`  |      Chris Tillman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
|   `-    |            May the Source be with you                |

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