I just installed Potato on a PowerMac 7500 with a G3 card. I used the network install, and al wnet wel (except for some reason I couldn't get the non-US packages - I think the network at work was screwy). When I boot into Linux, I get the XDM login screen, but after I enter my usernam/password, it hangs with a gray screen. THe cursor doesn't respond to the mouse, either.
I copyie dhte default Xsession file to ~/.xsession, but to no avail. any suggestions? This furstrates me because I feel like I'm pretty decent with my Linux machine at home on a PC. I can't help but think that I'm missing something simple. -- Paul F. Pearson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) http://home.hiwaay.net/~ppearson/ "Lord heal our land. Father heal our land. Hear our cry and turn our nation back to You" - Heal Our Land, _Magnify The Lord_ (Integrity Music)