> Hi Folks,
> I'm a newbie to Debian-PPC, but have been using Debian i386 for years. I've
> got a Power Tower Pro 225 that I've had around doing not much of anything,
> so I decided to make it a linux box. I also heard about Mac on Linux, and
> that really pushed me over the edge.
> I didn't want to wait till I could get a CD-ROM from Linux Central, and I
> wanted woody, so I decided to try installation from floppy. I got the 5
> floppy images (root, boot, driver 1, driver 2, rescue) from ftp.debian.org.
> However, I can't find the base floppy images, nor can I find the
> base2_2.tgz file mentioned in the install instructions (which, if need be,
> I could share via NFS with my other debian box).
> What am I missing?
> .Michelle
> ---------------------------------------
> Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
> AIM:pearlbear0
> http://www.murrain.net/public_key.html for pgp public key

The woody boot-floppies package doesn't use base2_2.tgz anymore. The
installation manual's been updated, see


You will also need to reproduce the directory structure of the ftp site,
from current on down. So put the files you downloaded in
current/powermac/images-1.44, and also download drivers.tgz into the
powermac folder as it is on the mirror.

|  .''`.  |   Debian GNU/Linux: <http://www.debian.org>          |
| : :'  : |   debian-imac: <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>  |
| `. `'`  |           Chris Tillman                              |
|   `-    |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      |

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