My Debian-savvy pal got it set up on my crusty old Performa 6400 except for one problem. We absolutely cannot get it to boot from the hard drive (and instead have to go in through BootX on a scsi zip drive)

The problem may be that in our rushed partitioning, we created the following table:
(dev : name : type)
hda1: Apple_Partition_Map : Apple
hda2: Apple_Bootstrap : bootstrap
hda3: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 : swap
hda4: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 : linux

We now think that the "bootstrap" partition is unneccessary and only used for newworld machines (which the 6400 is not)

At any rate, we absolutely cannot achieve a set of nvsetenv vars that will make OpenFirmware happy (the fact that OF doesn't seem to have any display, at least on the monitor that we're using, doesn't help).

Any ideas? I'm a developer, not much of a sysadmin, so I'm pretty useless here... Thanks in adance for any wisdom...


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